CHALLENGE; A blog a day

I, Lucy Victoria, declare here on My Life as A Pigeon to challenge myself.

Challenge my creativity and my ability to write. I claim that I want it as a career. I have unwritten story's and articles just left sitting on my one drive. I looked at Uni coursed and strongly debated applying to a great creative writing degree.

Yet I’m sat here with a block. I believe professionals call it ‘Writers block’. I can't seem to bring myself to make words, yet all I think about is making words. I wanted to make words so bad I read a book in a night to help this.

Instead I was left feeling more inadequate surrounded my all these talented writers, staring me down.

Until; I found in my bookshop a wonderful little creation called 642 things to write about. Flicking it open and seeing all the creative points I can expand on. Seeing the words Infront of my eyes already. And a lightbulb hit.

A blog a day. 365 days. Book reviews lodged I between posts on whatever I fling open and inspire from that day.
A chance to write and make myself feel a little better. A chance to help structure and a chance to test myself.

I believe.
Will you believe in me too please? 

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