Day 15 – 5/7/16

Not a page from the book.

I was thinking about my blog yesterday on my feelings right now. And I started thinking about the title. And I started thinking about other people that might feel the same. And I started thinking about a message to everyone and myself.

Kay I'll stop saying ‘and I started thinking’ now.

A message if you keep downgrading yourself.

Stop. Look around. And breath. Yes right now you might not feel the best. You might not look the best. But that's okay. It's okay to feel down sometimes; Because it only means that tomorrow is going to be better.
Somehow; some way. It will.

You might feel inadequate right now but feelings like that will only pass, you learn more everyday without realising.

The one thing I've learnt in life is ask the questions, I used to be so scared to raise my voice and have my opinion and questions answered. Now I'm not, because once you do it once you realise it's not so bad. As cliché as it is; no question is a stupid one.

Even I sometimes don't voice everything I want to. Even when I know the right answer, my nerves get the better of me. But I feel proud because I spoke up earlier. Praise yourself even on the little things.

And remember –


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