It’s okay to not be okay.

It’s so easy to not listen to our bodies.
It’s so easy to see the worst in our decisions.

I quit a job I’d only been at just over a week, some could call that pathetic. I call it taking a stand.
I had my personality critiqued by someone who had only known me 8hours. I felt like an outsider; and it was getting me down. It’s so hard to enjoy something when everyone around you is acting as if you don’t exists.

So I woke up on time. And I couldn’t move, my body didn’t want to move and I couldn’t get it to. I cried before I even talked that morning because the thought of putting myself in that situation again was unimaginable.

It’s so easy to ignore all the feelings and fake a smile but after having someone not give me a chance I couldn’t face going in and feeling my ever more criticised.

I felt like a coward.
I felt like I made the wrong decision.
I felt like I’d let not only myself down but everyone around me.

It took messaging a few people letting them know how my day went for them to confirm I did the right thing. It helped me recovery mentally and physically. For it’s funny how even though it’s our life decisions we still need reassurance every once in a while.

It’s a life lesson to listen to your body and never be anywhere that makes you that unhappy in such a short time.

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