Everything I never told you...

Everything I never told you – Celeste NG

I normally don't go for books written in the theme/style of the  1900s due to finding reading a happy hobby and I struggle to translate the language used in the 1900s.. But this beauty of book didn't turn me away; despite being set in the 1970s.

Everything I never told you is a beautiful book combining the death of daughter Lydia and her family disputes, to tell the chilling tail of what happened to her and her family.

The Lees consist of a half American half Chinese family. Something that was absurd to even consider in the 1970s and Why I love this twist on the characters. We often forget in our generation that there was once a time where Asians weren't everywhere and socially accepted. They were once outcasts; picked on and stared at. And if one was to even marry a white American, well you'd be sure talked about. Thus passing this all down to your children. It's no surprise that the Lees favourited there eldest, Lydia, who resembled there beautiful American mother more than any other.

Instead of purely being a ‘did she get murdered or was it suicide?!’ Saga. It was more a history of growing up, of all the lies we can tell and how much we do to please our parents despite the pressure being too much.

It's a wonderful insight into a regular lifestyle, and the rebellious side to the child that you always believed to be miss perfect, along with being given more clues towards the death of the number one star.

With everything I never told you, you get invested in the character, even reading about Lydia while she's alive your sat there willing her To just tell her mother she doesn't like science and let her be free. Despite already knowing she is dead before you turned the first page.

Along with all the lies and secrets that you uncover at the same time as this broken family, all the lies and secrets that unfold within the book as well, you truly do see the magic of a family falling apart at the scene and putting themselves back together piece by piece. This is what I  enjoyed about this novel, it was more than just a story of a girl who died. It was about a family, learning the truth about there life.

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