Day.   -     /7/16

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Do you believe in the placebo affect? The ability to trick your mind into thinking you like something. Or tricking your mind that your happy; so you end up happy etc.

I was hoping they'd be a word like the placebo effect when you start to associate a place with an emotion in the same way. Unfortunately the only one i got was Place attachment. Which I agree; is a true name. But no where near as cool as placebo. So then I started thinking.

You trick your brain into enjoying things, liking people, food, places. Placebo effecting your brain. How does this not link with emotions linked to place?

You go there and your brain associated itself with the last time you were there, how happy you were. And this effect stays, until you go back to said place and have a bad experience. Your brain then shifts.

I've spent quite a few days in Manchester and I took a different route today. One which took me to flashback and smile to how fond of Manchester I get when there.

I think of being 15 and shopping with friends, to 17/18 and venturing round all the gig venues becoming more and more fond of Manchester. Thus creating this bubble around it as a place and leaving me always with happy memories.

I'm not sure what it would take for my brain to take the shift to de friend manchester from my mind. Or many places in the same manor in fact.

In reality it's just my mind; placebo effecting my vision on a place. A wonderful place I might add.

What simple humans we are; allowing feelings to cloud our judgments so heavily.

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