Its so easy for us all to sit here and look back on the bad things that happened throughout the year and blame 2017. But lets be honest, we can do that for every year. Calling it now people will finish 2018 and look back at once again the bad things.

At the start of the year I wrote a list of things to do in 2017, looking back its safe to say I managed to do most, and some of my focus shifted off others, but I couldn’t be prouder of how my year turned out because I made it that way. I could of easily sat and sulked at all the shit things that happened throughout the year, and still continues to happen. But I didn’t, and you shouldn’t either.

My 2017 started out with losing my favourite person. I still don’t think im over it, but im getting used to it. And that’s something I can look back and say im proud of. I took my grief and sadness and powered it into things I knew hed want me to do.
So I passed my driving test and bought a car, and I know hes probably shouting at my driving but he’ll be shouting with a smile.

I got to travel with my best friend to some of the most unexpected places, hey I didn’t even know Aruba existed this time last year but now it’s a place I want to visit 100times more. The adventure doesn’t stop in 2018 and I cant wait to travel more and write about it next year.

I posted a blog every month this year, something I was determined to do after missing a month last year. I couldn’t be happier and prouder, I discovered poetry and fell in love with reading and writing it. I started either a short story or novel, I cant decide which yet, and read way more than I did last year.

These are all little things but things that I am proud of. And once again I cant say thankyou enough for everyone who has clicked on my blog, my insta or read anything ive wrote.

Lets have a fantastic 2018!

Let me know of the little things you were proud of this year. 

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