Day 2 – 22/06/16

One Morning Jessica wakes up and realizes she is magnetic.

Boom. I felt it hit me, it hit the side of my cheek, ouch, I thought as I rolled over. That damn cat again, as soon as mum leaves she always clumbers into my bed wanting attention when bam it happened again on the other cheek. I punched the air to feel nothing at the other side of my fist. Man she’s a good dodger, I thought as I snuggled more into my duvet. Boom another straight to the forehead. This isn’t funny now. I reached up to feel the bump that would form from her furious punch, but instead I felt a shape, attached to me. First my forehead and then my finger in a snap. What in the world, I started to open my eyes to find the object attached to me, stuck on like glue when BAM, another one hit my thumb. I now had two of these attached to the same hand.
As I started to sit up I looked around to see if the cat had advanced overnight and developed the ability to throw things.
Now that was an unmissable act for Britain’s for Talent.
As my vision turned from sleeping to functioning I started noticing these weren’t just random objects attached to me; these were magnets. I raised my hand to observe them when BAM another came flying in and attached itself to my arm. I felt like id suddenly been granted the permission to use the force after all these years. I held my hand out pointed towards the door when BOOM. Perfect timing, I just attached myself another magnet.

I stumbled out of bed counting the magnets on my body in comparison to the ones left on the fridge. As I started to step closer to the kitchen I suddenly noticed more consistent magnets flying in. And if I was correct, by the time I stepped into the kitchen, I myself would look like the fridge door. I had tried pulling them off but they just attached straight back on. It was the first time in my life anything had been attracted to me this hard.

Being correct with my analysis as soon as I stepped into the kitchen I felt this force so hard it knocked me over. And there I lay, with no pants on but its okay you wouldn’t be able to tell with my new found cover up of magnets, and bruises that would last for days. The weight was too heavy to allow me to get up, and that was where I laid all day, wondering why I was the chosen one until my mother came home to pull them all off me and put them into containers so I wouldn’t be attacked again.

And that is how I became Magnet girl, the favourite guest at every party because come on, your elbow trick isn’t better than my magnet trick, and why I can’t go into gift shops. I promise you ma’am I’m NOT trying to steal ALL your magnets. Just get a big container and some muscle over here and we’ll be okay. 

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