Making decisions

A couple weeks ago I got asked how I make decisions and can be sure of them. This struck me because I can never be sure of the decisions I make however in the past two months my life has completely changed. 

At the start of September, the first weekend Aucklanders were allowed out of lockdown and allowed to leave we drove down for our annual kidding season trip to play with all the baby goats(and see family, but mainly the goats)
While down there people were saying we should move down as a job had opened up on the farm. Suddenly Johnny was considering it, which shocked me a little. Hes not one to just jump into things like this. But after a week of talking it over, pros and cons, a day on the farm I was breaking the news to my manager that I was leaving.

And by the middle of October we were moving all our furniture down and saying goodbye to our lovely home in Auckland City ready for farm life. I feel like it happened so fast we didn’t really have time to think about, like properly think about it.
I feel like if wed of have time we may not have taken the plunge, as it was such a big one and one completely unlike us. However, I suppose that’s the risk you have to take with decisions sometimes. They’re not easy to make and the ones that you don’t fully think about can often be the best ones as you never get that little voice inside your head talking you out of everything.

Ive done a lot of big moves in my time but that doesn’t make it any harder or any scarier, especially when it wasn’t in the 5year plan unlike the others, and you also start reaching a point in your life when you question, when do I settle down? Or do we never settle down? My mother at my age would have had a house by now, be fully qualified in her job and ready to start a family. But it was easier back then so with house prices rising is it any wonder so many of us are making big moving decisions and hopping from place to place rather than doing what our parents did?

The one thing I did learn from this decision though is that it really didn’t matter where I was living or doing in the world as long as I was with my partner, Id be happy. And I suppose when you have that, the rest just comes easy. Don’t be afraid to fail, don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Itll all work out at the end of the day. And if it doesn’t, we can start arranging plan B tomorrow.

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