Christmas in Auckland - Franklin Road

In December 2014 it was my first Christmas back in New Zealand since being a child. So one night after a school panto my family took me into the city to a road called Franklin road, I wasn’t sure what was so special about this road at the time and I didn’t know that it would become a part of my Christmas festivities in Auckland.

Franklin road from January – November is just a standard road which takes you from Auckland CBD to Ponsonby. However from December 1st-24th it becomes a pinnacle part of my Christmas in Auckland and every tourist’s wonderland. Growing up I had blackpool illuminations where Blackpool would light their Christmas lights on the seafront and everyone from all over would drive down to get into the spirit of Christmas, Aucklanders have franklin road.

Now Ive tried searching the web on how/when/why Franklin road started but I cannot seem to find anything other than it has been active for over 20years.
Franklin road lights up every year with each homeowner doing something different to take part in the festivities, some opt out, some go all out and some just simply want to be involved. I always wonder if there is any completion among the street themselves as they know thousands of people will be looking out for the ‘best one.’ But in all honesty we just look to see how creative everyone gets and how much it feels like a community event.

As far as im aware no one is being made to do it, hence the houses that opt out. But it has clearly become a part of the Kiwi Christmas culture in Auckland and it is something I, for one, look forward to every year. We developed a routine walking up on the left side, reaching the cute coffee shop at the top. Popping in and getting a hot chocolate although the weather is around 16degrees at night and walking back down on the right. Although maybe convenient to drive I wouldn’t recommend if you want to experience it at its full.
It seems such a silly event, going and looking at other people’s Christmas lights on a street I would never be able to afford but it is something that makes you feel so Christmassy and happy to be part of community who put on events like this without being forced too. Children love it, families love it. I love it.

If you ever get the chance to be in Auckland between 1st December – 24th I would highly recommend. Sometimes being in a warm country for Christmas can make you forget it is Christmas when the suns still up at 8pm and the weather doesn’t drop below 15degrees. So its nice to go out when it is dark and look at Christmas lights and be reminded it is the Christmas period to get festive and feel jolly.

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