Book lover

I am a book lover.

I started this blog when I was 17 as somewhere to post book reviews onto. My college teachers had entered me into a competition with the library to read and review 6 books within 6 weeks. I got some good responses on my reviews so decided to post them online. It sparked my love for writing again and it sparked my blog, little did I know it would grow into something as wonderful as what it is today.

I wasn’t born a book lover though, I remember my best friend growing up was a book worm, my mums a book worm and one of my brothers was a book worm and I just wasn’t. I couldn’t do it. I remember when I was 6 and everyone was talking about harry potter because everyone had suddenly started reading it. So I went to the book shelve and picked up philosopher stone and I couldn’t seem to get into it. I know curse me now I couldn’t read harry potter, but I was 6 give me a break.
I was always jealous however of their ability to just pick up a book and read out of enjoyment, it didn’t seem fair that I couldn’t.

Till I was 16 and hit college I finally became the book lover I dreamed off. I would sit outside my classroom and read because I was always there early and I wasn’t part of any friendship group to hang out with. Hence why my teachers entered me into the library competition.
I started my book collection and I became fascinated with books.
My books used to live under my bed hidden away and I would talk about my dreams of showcasing them one day when I have my own house.
Then I moved and I had to start a new collection that once again lived hidden with no light to be shown.
Moving and not being in a permeant place for long enough means you can’t settle you can’t make a home.
So for the first time in my book loving short life, I have my beautiful books on display.
I managed to bring a hefty load over from the UK and I left a few behind when I left a few years ago and although I am missing some collections I have a home for my books!!
I can’t describe how happy it makes me to look and see my beautiful books on display for my eyes and the eyes of anyone who comes into my home.
It’s still only small but I know soon enough now I have the freedom to buy as much as I want it will grow in to the marvellous book case I dreamed it of being, much to my partners hate.

Books were my friends when I had no one, they are the therapy I need to soothe my mind on nights, during the day and anytime I’m feeling a little lost. They are the inspiration behind my writing, they sparked my fascination for poetry. They are such a big part of my identity it fills my heart with happiness that they can be displayed and not hidden in a box waiting for the next move.
What do you have that fills your heart every time you see it showcased?

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