
This is a hymn for the hymnless, kids with no religion
Yeah, we keep on sinning, yeah, we keep on singing

I just added my 7th addition to my skin. A cross. I was nervous to add this as for a lot of people a cross is a religious symbol and I remember telling someone about my cross idea for them to respond ‘but you’re not religious.’
This is not true, just because I don’t have a label does not mean I don’t have beliefs.

I grew up attending a Church of England school, which was essentially created so Henry VIII he could get a divorce. We’d see a vicar every Wednesday and have a youth club come in to see us every Friday, and attend church every term. But I never really thought much about what religion was. High school no one taught you much about what religion you wanted to learn about. RE was filled with Buddhists and Muslim beliefs and I never minded. When I was around 16 I attended a funeral at the church I grew up attending. I remember sitting there, taking it all in, and wishing I attended more. Wishing I had more faith in someone, something bigger to believe in.

When I was 18 I once spent an obscure amount of time officially researching the Mormon church, id always been a little bit fascinated with Mormons and in all honesty, I still am. The book of Mormon musical was everything I wanted it to be. Every time I see a Mormon on the street I fangirl inside a little bit, I once even got asked if I was Mormon as I know more than  a standard person should about their religion. I once got to visit a Mormon church and hang out with Mormons my age some were on their mission. And hand on heart they were the most caring people I had encounted. Walking into a room full of strangers is intimidating but when you walk into that room they made you one of their friends, encouraging you to join in, in everything.

Then I suddenly met a boy, who informed me he comes from a Christianity background, and that completely opened my eyes to it all. I had never felt more love than seeing his family holding hands praying for each other’s well-being. Hearing someone is praying for a situation in your life is humbling and something I never thought would happen to me. It is such a different experience being around people who have a strong belief, but at the same time never question your beliefs is so refreshing.
I have always been fond of finding myself filled with people of different ethnic backgrounds and learning about their way of life and beliefs. The one thing ive learnt for them all is that they have faith in a lot more than they can control.

I don’t have one religion yet, I would like to invest in more and learn more, however I believe I have a little bit of everything. I finally have something to believe in and it’s also believing in myself. It’s good to have faith in the world, despite how shitty the world is sometimes.

That’s why I have a cross tattooed on my wrist. A Reminder to keep the faith. Always. Be open minded, open hearted and kind.

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