I quit, now what?

I handed my notice in, but I don’t know where im going.

Im currently in the hardest part of my life, as I’m stuck unsure, and I hate not knowing. I handed my notice in at work and I have about 3weeks left, and that im happy about for many reasons. But here comes the ‘oh are you excited?’ questions.

Excited for what? I quit my job and I don’t know what im doing, im planning to leave the country but to where and when I don’t know? When your future is out of your hands it’s the scariest thing, especially when you’re on a time-schedule and you’ve been playing the waiting game for 5months now. The longer you wait the more your mind wonders to the worst outcome, so you start planning. Plan B, Plan C, and future Plan D.

It gets harder when the waiting game isn’t just affecting yourself, there are so many other people in the bigger picture that this will affect and the waiting game just gets harder on myself and themselves. But it affects myself and my love most, as we lie down on a night and try to talk about our future we both know the uncertainty of it.

Dating a foreigner is hard, summer romances and gap year romances are glamorised. You either end up falling in love and parting ways, or you spend the rest of the years together fighting immigration to find a place to call home.

Which is what we’re doing. Wherever we end up we know it will be a home because we have each other but its hard not knowing where our next home will be or where our forever home will end up.

But you never know if you don’t try.
Immigration if you’re reading this, a response soon would be great, your stressing me out over here.

When you quit your job its scary in general, you start working out all your incomes vs your outgoings. You start stressing if you can afford anything and you try not to lose your mind. But it’s also exciting, for sometimes it’s the best decision you could make.

Also if you’re looking for some cool new décor for your walls check out www.zippi.co.uk/portfolio/tadpoleink
There is some nice prints on there. 

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