Am I scared of the ocean?

New Zealand for a week? Why not. Maybe because its 12,000 miles away and due to travel your actually only spending 5nights there, and about 4days travelling.

When I was 18 I took my first alone long haul flight. It was the first flight I was taking since I was 13, I was nervous and excited. Suddenly its 3years later and countless flights later it didn’t phase me that I was flying on a Sunday and landing on a Tuesday.

I suddenly felt like a veratrin flyer, granted I still haven’t mastered the true art to sleeping properly on a plane yet, but im becoming pretty good at picking the best seats to recline in. It’s a sense of pride I never thought id feel due to having so many years not being in the air to suddenly cramming 7years worth in 3. Would highly recommend to push yourself out of your comfort zone.

Speaking of comfort zones, about 2years ago I wrote a blog titled ‘I almost died.’ In which I share some events that happened with a wave and some rocks leading to the many scars on my legs still today.
Over the last 6days in New Zealand I got to encounter the beach again, with everyone running into the sea I followed. Not being a fan of not touching the seabed in general I stayed pretty close to shore, however the waves were strong. Crashing everywhere and anywhere it didn’t matter how far out you were, and I seemed to be the only person not wanting to chase them.
I watched everyone’s faces smile as they saw one building, and jump at the chance to chase it in before it crashed.
Everyone was enjoying it except me. A few crashed right where I was and as I tried to jump to stay mostly out of it, it got me, I was being pushed back to shore more and more and I could feel my heart racing.
It was almost as if every time it crashed around me my eyesight went black. I ended up gapping scene from the sea pretty quick and as I sat on shore I could feel my heart pulsing and my hands shaking. When did I become someone so scared of the ocean?
Oh that’s right, when the oceans waves almost killed her.
It was my first experience with the sea since and although I didn’t want to be terrified I couldn’t hide the fact that I was now terrified of waves.
I had always questioned whether I would be or not, however I hadn’t had to encounter the rough ocean in a while.
Its sad that I don’t know if ill get to be like everyone else chasing the waves again, or if the swell is bad I’ll be sat as far away as possible.

But I don’t want this experience to stop any future ones, one day I hope to writing a post enjoying the waves. But for now, I have to accept that myself and my body is not ready to be in that situation anytime soon.

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