‘Whats your list for 2018?’ I got asked.
The thing is I hadn’t thought about writing a list for this year, and it wasn’t because there isn’t anything I want to accomplish this year. Its just I don’t know the certainty of my future.

In 6 months where will I be? I don’t know. That’s the honest answer and It scares me.
Will I still be in England or will I be in New Zealand, will I be in Canada? Who knows? I don’t.
The uncertainty of my future scares me more than anything and I cant bring myself to write a list, but if I did number one would definitely be get a dog. But in order to get a dog I need my own place, so essentially that should take priority. But dogs are always more important, lets be real.

I really got into my fitness last year and I hope it doesn’t stop. They always say workouts are good for your brain and you never truly believe it till you drag yourself out of bed during a funk and work your ass off. You leave sweaty, smiling and pumped for the day. Something you haven’t felt in a while.
I thoroughly enjoy my gym sessions, even when I look like I don’t. I would encourage anyone looking at working out to just go for it. Ive always wanted to join a gym again since I quit 4years ago. Im so thankful Johnny finally caved and joined with me.
I suppose my only goal for the year is to create a home I can call my own and at the end of the year put a Christmas tree in it, because everyone knows that’s goals.
Instead of doing a list, lets just ride out the year together.

What’s on your things to do for 2018?

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