Its gone.

A weight has been lifted off my shoulders, but its still floating over my head. For my visa is no longer in my hands its in the hands of Immigration New Zealand. They will look at my book I spent 10months creating to prove im in a genuine relationship, they will see my medicals and judge my health. They will look at my police records and see im not a criminal, but is that enough? Who knows. I don’t. For I have to sit and wait now.

I sent it off in the most British paper I could find, by accident. If I could have found a Kiwi related packaging I would have picked that if it helped my odds. But I don’t think it matters. It wont change their perspective of me, for them im just a stamp in my passport, a yes or a no.

But to me, im waiting nervously. Im trying to think positive because that’s all I have. But it’s not just the yes or no answer that im nervous for. It’s my passport, as there is a wedding I would love to attend in January, however my passport currently resides in New Zealand, leaving me home bound. Leaving me twiddling my thumbs waiting for confirmation on if I can buy a plane ticket, as the days pass I get more and more nervous. But im pushing it aside, im trying to think positive. Because its all I can do.

Wish me luck!  

                                                                     Heres to our future. 

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