What's my age again?

I walked into one of my favourite bars on Saturday night and as we approached the bar a middle aged man on a table nearby loudly announced his horror at the fact I was in the same bar as him. ‘Oh god where are we?’ he grimaced as I turned to look at him as soon as the words left his mouth. For I go to this place many times, its one of my favourites. So what gives him the right to decide who enters this establishment or not? For one of the reasons I love this place so much is the diversity it brings together in such a welcoming environment. I mean there was a boxer wandering around, if theres a dog there, im there.

But sadly this is the least of comments I get on my looks. For I am 21. Ive crossed the world by myself and ive been working full time since I was 18 and recently received a promotion. But the amount of times I will be put down, criticised, and received nasty comments because of the fact I look young is ridiculous.

I get it, lets all joke about the fact I look 12 and get IDed for everything. But just because my face looks young doesn’t mean I am. We receive feedback texts at work just like almost every establishment does now, ps rate the employee high it might affect their wage. But someone decided they wanted to write a very personal, unnecessary comment on how the advisor looked about 12. I like to think they were just bitter and didn’t think I would see this comment as it hurt. My looks don’t affect my job based on the fact I AM NOT 12.

I know ill receive these comments for as long as puberty decides to catch up to me, but let me ask you this. I don’t judge you on the fact you look older than me, so why judge me on the fact I look younger. If I can do my job, if I can provide you with my ID. If im good at what im doing, then don’t question it. Because its rude, despite you maybe not thinking it is, it is. I work hard, no im not a student, no im not going to college soon, yes I can live without a phone. No I didn’t grow up with an ipad. Yes I work hard for things because hey I AM NOT 12.

Ps. Friend jokes are cool, I get it take the piss because im the only one who got IDed ha ha. But when your rating me down on my job purely because I don’t have wrinkles, then I have a problem.

 Me without makeup. 
Me with makeup. 

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