If you’ve ever had a conversation with me you will know I am in love with a small country called New Zealand. Its captured my heart and im currently spending all my time, effort and money into a Visa to move out there permanently. 

In the process of this although not getting any legal advice I am constantly looking into the free advice on migration websites and getting emails of latest law changed to visas. Among this I am part of a Facebook page dedicated for English people wanting to move to New Zealand, in a forum style way. People ask for advice/questions and people answer. But there’s something I keep noticing that personally, is really starting to piss me off.

People using New Zealand as a way to get to Australia.

You’d never think you can ‘use’ a country but NZ and Aus have a similar relationship in the way Europe does. If you’re from one, you can enter the other. So visa terms apply to this too. People with New Zealand permanent visas can happily move over to Australia without having to apply there. Despite them both having different rules to be granted permanent residency.

The main reason this grinds my gears so much especially while im trying to apply is because Kiwis are smart. Im in the last leg of sending my visa off and putting my fate in NZ governments hands so when I keep getting emails over NZ changing their rules on what can be accepted and what cant, this panics me. For I am in a genuine relationship with a kiwi and genuinely in love with this country and I could be denied because others are wanting to hop to nz to get a visa and then hop to Australia.

Countries are making it harder and harder to enter, and everyone’s baffled when I tell them all the steps I have to take to even apply to get a permanent visa. Because if you haven’t dealt with Visa’s its easy to be naïve to it. The media teaches us to be naïve, constantly reporting the mass of immigrants from Europe, England, America, trump. It’s easy to believe it.
I don’t blame anyone for doing it, hey if people really want a country as bad as they do. I get it. But it hurts that my chances could be hindered because someone wants Australia.

Welcome to the world of Visa issues. 

                                                 The beautiful top of New Zealand. 

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