Support acts

As I walk into Verve, I see familiar faces, but not ones that I would go and greet. For I don’t know their name or personality. I just know we’re here for the same thing. Music.
At small gigs its not just the artist you tend to know in these rooms, for the same group of people collate every few months to go support that one person and its suddenly the same faces you see each time. It feels like a community, although we’re not all sat chatting, you still have the smiles, the glances for you both know why you’re there. It’s a nice feeling being a part of something special like this.
But its not just one of the only reason I like going to see smaller acts. A few months ago I wrote a post called Good Music, good vibes, good guy In support of Danny Gruffs new album coming out and just last week I got to hear it live. Seeing him many times, in many different venues I can hand on heart say this was my favourite performance to date. His energy, voice and charisma was on another level. With a loop pedal and room full of people who all just wanted a sing along good time, I can’t wait to go and see him again.
Unfortunately for Danny though, this isn’t my favourite part of going to see acts like him. It’s the people they bring along. For example, Lewis Fieldhouse has an amazing voice I would have never discovered if it wasn’t for Dave Giles and now I love putting him on and being enhanced into a different world by his voice. This time it’s a group called The Candle thieves who made me smile that night despite the fact there was only ½ of them.

Ive always been a fan of support acts at gigs and I will aways stick around to watch them. Because they bring so much to the night, there just like the person you’ve paid to see; working their way up the music ranking. And they work harder than half the people on that stage. But along with that they bring so much talent that you would have never discovered if you hadn’t of listened. I get some people aren’t fussed. They paid for someone and they will only see that someone, but oh my are you missing out on all the remaining talent out there left to be uncovered.
Please go see support acts, and please go see small gigs too. The atmosphere is usually the perfect recipe for a wonderful night.

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