Inspire to be great.

Everyone has someone we look up to, we all have someone that makes us re-evaluate our lives. They make us want to be a better person; make something of our lives, aspire to be the best.
90% of the time when asked the question: who inspires you? People will list of a reel of celebrity’s because they’re constantly surrounding us, the media won’t let us forget how picture perfect they are. Until that moment that friend in your life shows up again with the next new masterpiece and you sit there going. Damn. He never fails to amaze me.

This post is about/inspired by someone i have the pleasure of sharing my life with. Someone I met under 2 years ago but I get reminded of his constant ability to produce anything he sets his mind to because he loves everything he does. And along with this he reminds me I too can do anything I want if I truly want it bad enough.

Connor Curlewis popped up on my timeline yesterday with a link to a sound cloud that I stared at before having to rush back to work and not think anything of it. Until that night when he popped up in my messages and my heart fluttered a little. It’s nice getting random messages from people every once in a while. So I opened it and there was the sound cloud link again. One click later and I was sat in awe; never did I think that after spending some mornings singing together id be sat listening to what I will call his ‘spoken word poetry’ masterpiece.

This a man that has so many passions it starts to look like a shopping list; he dabbles with photography, he is a filmmaker, he runs a company, he writes scripts, he is an actor, bartender, sometimes a chef, he’s Conor McGregor’s biggest fangirl, does tae kwon do, now makes music, but he always makes the people around him smile.

This is a person that never seems to let anything get him down, ive learnt from him and I still learn from him. Sometimes I look at what he’s capable at and feel jealous that I don’t know if my blog will ever be on his level.

Young people are often looked down upon by the older generation. They believe if there isn’t money symbols in your eyes it’s not going to amount to anything. You only gain from experience and age. Wrong.
My 21year old friend can be more successful in his short life than you old man could ever be; but on top of it all he will always be a more polite, focused and a passionate person than you. And I think passion is more important than money. Always.

Connor you are a product of that sentence. Never stop doing what you love unless your heart isn’t in it anymore. 

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