If you saw my last post I mentioned that I was finding it hard to choose colours for this series, so I acquired the help of my partner. He decided he would pick one that I wear a lot and then go off what he thought looked cool and choose a few colours ive either never worn, or I don’t particularly enjoy as much as some others. So he got demoted from his job.

But this colour was one we were both unanimous on. It’s been worn down I’m struggling to actually apply it and this makes me sad. Its Maybelline bold matte, mat5. It’s a gorgeous bold red that feels silky smooth when applying to your lips. It’s the perfect statement to either complete a look, or add to a simple face day. Making your lips the focus point of your face.

The lasting stay depends on the lipstick I feel, some days it doesn’t fade at all and others it transfers onto my fingers, bottles and slowly fades in a few hours. But this doesn’t stop me loving it as the colour alone is just so beautifully bold.
If your looking for a bold red without the harshness that often comes with applying bold colours, look for this beauty next time your browsing the aisles.

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