Pokemon go? More like pokemon no!

Pokemon go-

Dating a Pokemon lover started months before Pokemon go came out. It came two months into our relationship; he turned 21 and a present to himself was a 3DS so he could play the new Pokemon game. Since then it's been hunts in every game shop to try find rare/old Pokemon games for his ds at a ridiculously cheap price.

It wasn't anything I didn't enjoy. Much to the fact I was the one who messaged him about Pokemon Go being out before he downloaded it.

Now I see a lot of stick about gamers playing Pokemon go constantly. To that I say stop.

I've always known my boyfriend is a gamer; and I throughly enjoy the fact he plays Pokemon go. Before on our days off he would play a lot of League of legend, a game that requires you to sit inside at a computer for hours.
Now he suggests us going outside and to parks and on adventures so he can catch them all and we can also spend time together.

I don't think until you understand the full concept of a gamer; you can fully understand the concept of the effects that Pokemon go has created.

Just food for thought next time you post that Facebook status claiming everyone who plays it has no life and is a looser.

Let them go outside, let them spend time with there friends catching invisible creatures. Sure in a month the app might be sitting alongside their compass app. But for now, let them enjoy the hype, and hunt for squirtles. Just like you enjoy the hype of tv shows and films and do cosplay. Let them have this moment.

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