Day 10 – 30/06/16

There were pancakes everywhere-

‘THERE WERE PANCAKES EVERYWHERE!’ he shouted as he rolled over asking if he could tell me about his dream.
‘EVERYWHERE?’ I proclaimed back to him with a smile.
‘Yeah it was crazy; like they weren't little either and they stacked so high and surrounded me so I couldn't escape I thought I was going to die’ he explained without pausing for breath, it was like he was too excited that he wanted to get out every little detail of the dream before it went poof with the rest of them.
‘Then what did you do?’ I asked.
‘Well I tried climbing at first? But they were covered in syrup which made it sticky and impossible to do. So I did the only thing I could do, eat them. I don't know how long I was eating for but man it felt like a long time of getting no where before I woke up. I wouldn't be surprised if I hit a sugar coma.’
‘They always say dreams stem from the conscience. Maybe that's how you'll die.’ I nudged him after giving him a glimpse of his future.
‘Oh man I hope not. Now I'll never be able to look at a pancake the same way again knowing one day; it will betrayal me.’ The look of disappointment on his face was the same a child has when you take its favourite toy away. ‘So what's for breakfast anyway?’ He asked thinking happier thoughts.
‘I don't know I bought some pancake mix yesterday if you want to try it out?’ I winked at him before leaving the bed.
‘Can we turn it into waffles instead? I can handle waffles right now; they're yet to betray me.’ He shouted back.

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