A visit from the tooth fairy...

Day 9 – 29/06/16
It was my first visit from the tooth fairy and I…

I’d been told by mummy that I had to be asleep when she comes; but I couldn’t help it. I didn’t want anyone else taking my tooth. It felt like a part of me was getting stolen and I just had to sit there and watch it happily. Me and this tooth had been through a lot together. This tooth was mine. At first I thought it was something they were making up, but when mummy confirmed she was real I couldn’t help but feel angry.

It was 9pm. Bed time was an hour ago and any normal night I would have fast asleep by now, but instead I was staring at the wall waiting. I expected it to be a bit like Santa where he won’t come if you don’t pretend to be asleep. But there’s no songs about Tooth fairy’s seeing all so I just lay there as still I could.

At first I thought it was just the wind as I heard a rustling coming from the window area. There not real. I kept telling myself as the rustling was becoming louder and suddenly it popped.
‘Ouch’ a small voice squealed out. I clenched my fist around my tooth harder.
Some more little thuds and a jump onto the bed later I felt her land just above my head and slowly lift up the pillow. Here I started to feel smug; she would look but find nothing. 1-0 to me. Take that tooth fairy. But instead of putting the pillow down and leaving she made a little sigh and sat down and started to, well what sounded like, cry. I lay there for a moment longer unsure what I should do. Should I turn around and address this crying thief?
I slowly started to turn my body over, making the slightest of movements in order to not startle her. Or make her fall off the bed, it is a long way down for a little person. Before I’d got all the way round to face her it went quiet.

I moved to face her quickly as she shrieked and jumped back up onto the windowsill. She was only little, and a glow followed her. Without the flow I would have said she was grey, but with the glow she looked magical. Her face was all puffy and her hair down to her shoulder all messy. She gasped again as we stood in silence facing each other unsure of the protocol.

‘Erm.. hi.’ I said slowly in order to break the silence.
‘You’re supposed to be asleep.’ I sensed she shouted this because it came out louder than id expected.
‘Im sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you; I just wanted you to leave when you couldn’t find my tooth.’ I opened my clenched fist to show her the tooth was with me before quickly closing it again. I didn’t want her pulling any magic on me and taking my tooth.
‘You can’t keep that! Its mine!’ She pointed looking shocked.
‘NO! Its mine and always has been and always will be.’ I crossed my arms in a sulk on the bed and she did the same sitting down on the windowsill.
‘But you don’t understand.’ She sighed. ‘I need that otherwise ill lose my job!’
‘How do you loose your job; you’re a tooth fairy!’
‘I wasn’t born a tooth fairy though, no one is, were all just regular fairys, you have tests and lessons to do before you get tooth fairy status and if you can’t bring your quoted teeth back of the night you could just become a normal fairy again!’

I suddenly started to feel sad. This fairy needed the tooth more than I did, it served me well, and maybe it can with her. ‘Why do you sound so sad about it all? I might be able to give you my tooth if you promise to be happy!’ I didn’t like seeing people sad.
She suddenly jumped up and the glow around her flashed. ‘Are you sure?! I’m low on my quote for the week you see, I’m not the best fairy, and I’ve been having trouble getting into people’s houses.’ She shyly looked down at her feel.
‘It’s okay, I just didn’t want you to steal it, but now you’re not. I’m giving it to you.’ I held out my hand for her to fly into where she picked up the tooth which was half her size and put it into a little bag she had around her body.
‘Oh thank you so much Elizabeth; you truly are a star. I promise ill put a good word in with Santa and whenever I come to collect more of your teeth ill always be happy. I just have one problem.’
‘You have my tooth what more could you want?’ I was puzzled by the extra request. But I promised regardless. I didn’t really have a choice, and off she went, leaving me behind some money in exchange for my tooth.

The one condition was no one could know of our chat. Fairys aren’t allowed to interact with humans, it’s all supposed to be fantasy. She asked me this before hinting that if I was to tell a soul, tell my brother. Apparently shed had a crush on him since she started collecting his teeth two years ago!!! Gross.

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