Day 5 – 25/06/2016

If you were a superhero, what would your name be, and what would your superpower be?

I liked this one because of a book I re-read the other day, called All My Friends are Superheroes. It’s a wonderful little short story based on an ordinary guy who falls into a friendship group of superheroes. Except these aren’t just any superheroes. They are the most normal/random superheroes you can imagine. There’s the ear, who hears all from a far without the cotton bud he puts in his ears. There’s hypo who can hypnotise anyone if they really want what he’s saying. There’s the perfectionist, the falling girl, the spooner. He’s my favourite. If it happened enough, it would become your superpower, you were then that thing. It consumed you.

It’s just a beautiful book with a little love story and quirky stories. But it gets you thinking, if I had to pick a superhero trait on my personality, I could easily be all of the seven dwarfs combined. And now that I’ve written that I can’t handle how true that statement is. I am the emotionalist, fluxing between them all.

If I could pick a superpower though I do believe transportation would be a good one. Who needs to pay for flights, just hold onto my arm like they do in Harry Potter. I could be Wizard girl. Not really good for anything but just always there.

Before you pick your superpower, go read All My Friends are Superheroes, just to benefit your soul and find perspective on the perfect talent for your personality.

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