Postcard to Tinkerbell

Day 7 – 27/06/2016
Write a postcard from one fairy tale character to another.

Dear Tinkerbell,
I saw a star the other day glistening from above as I was rising from the sea and it reminded me of you. I hope things are okay in Neverland, I promise to visit soon! Say Hi to Peter for me too. Eric and I have just taken a holiday to Arendelle, I don’t think he liked the cold very much but Olaf took him under his wing, which was nice. I’m loving being able to transform between land and water with this bracelet my dad made. It’s a shame it doesn’t work the other way round so I could show Eric my world. But that’s okay, there’s so many wonderful things in his to keep me occupied. I learnt what a pig is the other day too. They’re rather funny little things! Who knew an animal could be pink! How peculiar.

Rapunzel keeps writing to me about cutting my hair. Since she cut it short and got it brown its like she wants everyone to do the same! I do love her but damn she can be annoying. She and Flynn are on some crazy trip around the lands so you might end up seeing her soon. If you do; don’t let her near your hair! I’m warning you Tink, your bun will be gone in a snip!

Anyway I better go, just wanted to write in and check you are okay.
Keep flying Tink; always think happy thoughts.
I shall see you soon,

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