Christchurch Adventures

‘I'll have a shower tomorrow morning’ she says crawling into bed at midnight as her boyfriend laughs at the thought of her getting up at 7am and showering instead of lying in for an extra 45minutes.  
Or I could have one at the hostel tomorrow…. No I had to prove to myself, and mainly Johnny that I could wake up at 6:45 to have a shower and finish packing.  

And with that determination I did wake up with my alarm. Then knew I could milk 15more minutes in bed. And 15more minutes of cuddles after that extra 15sleep. 7:15 rolls around and I'm up, I'm doing this. I'm in the shower. Hair wash, face wash, body wash out. Boom 10minutes was all it took. I knew I was good. And now I'm actually awake and functioning. Or at least for the next hour or so I will be. 

Today was the day. My South Island adventure 5days and 3different cities. Starting Christchurch.  
To be honest with you, I am the worst traveler you can find. I enjoy my routine I have. I enjoy traveling with people I know. And I get very scared/nervous when I travel alone.  
I panic about everything that doesn't need to be panicked about. But then again I'm also great at traveling alone. However if the place doesn't have lots of things to do in one day within wandering distance, I fail. (Which is why I invested in a few day trips.)  

I flew for the first time with air New Zealand, on a travelers budget I could tell my boyfriend was wondering why the hell I went for air New Zealand not Jet Star? Well surprisingly they were the cheapest I found on that day. Only costing just over 100dollars for a 9am flight to Wellington, change plane then down to Christchurch.  
I checked in, went through security, AND was sat in the plane within 15minutes of being in Auckland airport, I was rather impressed with this.  
Now the number one thing I've learnt about air New Zealand is, even on an hour flight. THEY GIVE YOU COOKIESSSSThey did this for my flight down to Wellington which I was very happy about because I'm a child.  
After an hour delay for my flight from Wellington to Christchurch(this didn't bother me as it meant I would get to Christchurch and be able to check straight into my hostel) I was finally on a tiny plane which had propellas!!  
And once again an hour flight and THEY GAVE ME A COOKIE. Two cookies in 3hours? Man I was winning at life. And to add to the whole air New Zealand experience, they got two little adorable girls to give out sweets on the flight as well. I was truly a happy bunny.  

As I said before how I am a bad traveler. Christchurch wasn't somewhere I actually wanted to go. Sadly. I knew I wanted to say I'd been here and see what it was like but I didn't want to spent longer than a day here. Due to the South Island being ridiculously booked out in the places I wanted to visit I had to stay here an extra full day. So I hadn't booked anything and knew I could spend a full day at the museum/botanic gardens, but that's how I wanted to spend my tomorrow.  

So my first day in Christchurch didn't impress me much. Infact Christchurch you make me sad. It's clear that you are still run down. The earthquake hit you hard. And it's clear that you're trying to get back on your feet. The amount of graffiti and abandoned construction sites I saw, just made me feel like you're losing a little bit of hope. Don't give that vibe. Give me the impression you're proud of the beautiful mountains that surround you. Maybe tomorrow I will feel like that. But right now, the view I get every time I turn a corner of the green hilltop mountains is the only thing keeping me fascinated. But I guess it's a good job I'm still very ill and can have an excuse to just sit and drink a beer or crawl into my hostel and read. 

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