Waiting for Doggo.

Waiting for Doggo – Mark Mills.

I found this little read at the start of the year and finally got my hands on it in March, so why has it taken me so long to write about this glorious book? Maybe because I only finished it admittedly, last month.
I remember starting Waiting for Doggo in Melbourne, Australia, excited to be reading about a supposedly lovable dog, being a massive dog lover myself. However it took me a few months to actually pick this book back up after returning back to New Zealand, in which I finished it in two days.
With the blurb of this book explaining our leading man Dan as a chill guy I should have expected a chill start to Waiting for Doggo but I think the explanation about Doggo being an inspiration left me waiting for something amazing to happen and grip me instantly. Instead I was left pushing it aside while I re read my favourite, It’s kind of a Funny Story, by Ned Vizzini.
Saying that, I still spent one weekend curled up on my family’s couch in front of the fire finishing this book with a smile on my face. Now it might take a while like me to get into but if you keep it sitting on your bookshelf long enough to dive into it you won’t regret it.
It’s a beautiful story about a man who gets stuck with a dog he doesn’t hold back in stating he wouldn’t have, but with no girlfriend, new job, his life and love for doggo tends to rise. Now at first I thought Dan was a plain Ass, it was almost as though he had no emotions. But just like everyone, whether they want to admit it or not, sometimes it just takes a furry friend to bring out your soft side.

So as Dan started to love doggo, I did too, and along with that Dan started to love others, I loved the back story’s in Dan’s family life that Mark Mills incorporates and he much like any author leaves me frustrated with the ending, cursing your name, and then lying down for a while to process what emotional journey I just encounter.

All in All if you’re browsing a book store looking for something a little different, I’d recommend Waiting for Doggo all the way.

Did I mention it’s a British book? Never have I been so happy to see references towards Eastenders.  

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