One Tree Hill.

One Tree Hill, Volcano or TV show? Either one I’m in love.

Planning my trip to New Zealand, I made… very little plans. Refer to last post. But one spot I noticed in Auckland was a domain titled One Tree Hill. The name of a loving TV Show I became addicted to due to a said friend. I knew I had to visit this hill.

Now spoiler alert, One Tree Hill, actually contains no tree. As many kiwis told me and they like to call it no tree hill, because let’s face it, they think they’re funny. But it does contain some crazy views, even on a cloudy windy day. Now as me and my French companion started our journey to have a picnic at the top, my suggestion as id been wanting to go for the 10months I’ve been stranded on this island. We started the journey off right, going the wrong way, west instead of south, but alas navigator Lucy saved the day. I’m getting good at google maps now. Kind of. And we found one road which took us directly too Cornwall park in no time. In fact its crazy how close to the city this domain is, when as soon as you enter you feel as though you’ve entered the country side.
With beautiful trees towering over you as you drive in and cattle to the side it felt surreal that I was about to be somewhere I had always thought about going. And I also got a little annoyed that I hadn’t ventured here earlier, as we discovered that before One Tree Hill is a beautiful park, which combined gives Cornwall park and One Tree hill the largest area of parkland in Auckland City. Yes we were STILL in the city?! How? It definitely did not feel like it.
As much as I feel Auckland keeps trying to push me away, damn you still manage to pull me back in with your ability to hold such beauty in a city, north, south, east, and west holds something beautiful. Except west, I’m not friends with you currently. My one experience where I got stranded there is yet to be proven as a good one. But this isn’t about you, it’s about south.

As we drove up the narrow roads the domain became clear, while I experienced my first official New Zealand stereotype as we noticed the mass of sheep around, which I must say, they are very good at crossing the road. The volcanic structure was beautiful, with the drops beside us containing lava rocks which many had spelt out to confess there love, our favourite was for Jesus. We reached the top. Parked up we felt the car sway side to side, it definitely wasn’t the best time to be at the top of a volcanic summit. But the beautiful monument and the burial of many of Auckland’s influential figures, mixed with the 360 view of Auckland it was beautiful, even on a cloudy day. And I can’t imagine what the view would be like on a summer’s day.

But its officially ticked off my bucket list, and I’ll definitely be heading back in summer with said French Companion to head to the Stardome which is located right next to the Domain. What a place, a park, volcano and Stardome, I can’t imagine anything wrong with this beautiful Auckland location?

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