Cutting out Caffine!

When New Zealand went into lockdown, just like everyone else I had big plans. Learn French. Read books all day. Exercise. Write my book. Write epic blogs.
And well.

I achieved non of this.
I mean I did really enjoy my 5 isolation dates. So that’s a win.
And I did start Yoga. But then I strained my knee 2 weeks ago and its been swollen since so we don’t talk about that.

But the one thing that I did achieve this lockdown period is cutting down/out on caffeine.

Now I’m not a coffee or tea drinker, but I am an energy drink drinker. I would need one to survive most days and other days id just drink it for the taste. It got to the point where if I didn’t have one id get the worst headache that id rather have one than go through it.
But I thought since I wasn’t going anywhere there wasn’t a need for me to have one. At first I thought id become immune to the caffeine and was just drinking it for the taste. But quickly into the lockdown I realised this wasn’t the case for when id had a drink and not burnt enough calories that day. I would be awake till all hours in the night.

When you’re cutting something out of your life its best not just to go cold turkey if you have side effects like myself with the headaches. So I cut it down, first to every other day. Then every 2 days, before I went two whole weeks without one.
This seems silly, doesn’t it? Its just a drink.
But caffeine is addictive. No matter the form that it is in, whether its your tea, coffee, or energy drink. You pick your poison, and it grips you.

Now im not going to lie, there’s been no change in my life when I cut caffeine out. Yes I was more tired. Took more naps. And the reality is I cant just nap during a work day. But the difference is now I can control when my body actually needs one and when I’m having one out of habit.

I am hoping that I can follow this through but that’s the difference from life and lockdown isn’t it. Life isn’t easy, you cant just take a nap because you’d rather nap than have an energy drink. So it will take a lot of willpower. But im happy that I did it during this period. To prove to myself that I could.


Whats one small victory you achieved during your lockdown period? 

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