March 17th.

March 17th, also known as St Paddys day, Is my anniversary with my better half. Three years ago on a street in takapuna outside a bar as everyone celebrated St Paddys day around us he asked me to be his girlfriend, ew. I was a traveller and he was a resident. Never leaving Oceania he decided to date an English girl and three years later they are still together. Who’d of thunk it.

Relationships were never my forte, but we manage to make it work. And although we should have been waking up in Florence and going to sleep in Rome yesterday, instead we woke up in Huddersfield, drank a lot and walked home in the snow. Because England doesn’t know what spring is. Thanks beast from the east. I lost my passport. Which isn’t the most ideal situation at this time in our life but we make it work.

Now I know I mention Johnny in a fair few of my posts, and it would be rude of me not to mention him as he is such a massive part of my life. This guy is my best friend and my biggest support, just as I am his.

Johnny has the online persona of TadpoleInk. On a day off in January 2016 I decided his talent needed to be showcased to the work on a greater platform. So I set up an Instagram and posted a few picutres of his work I had taken and waited for him to come home. Nervous, would be an understatement, would he be mad? Thankfully he was happy with it, and it encouraged him to draw again.

To me Johnny was the kid that brought his portfolio with him to show people his work, and I loved that and wanted to show more people how talented he was. For talents should never go unseen.
He never ceases to amaze me and my favourite is when he sits drawing in public as I catch glances from others around him, some people just love watching him just like I do. And it makes me happy every time his work gets likes and comments for it is something that should be shared with the world.   And I will never stop nagging him when he doesn’t draw for a while because the day he stops will be the day I’m not around to say ‘HEY I need something to post.’ But I hope that never happens.
Seeing his talent encourages me to write more and strive to be my best and running his Instagram and posting his art to sell, fills me with pride and has led me to new career ideas and I will forever be thankful of him.

So if you like any of the work ive included in this blog and want to see someone constantly strive to be better, and maybe one day become a tattoo artist. Click the links to his insta and Zippi where you can purchase a piece. He also does commissions so hit his emails up if you’re looking for a personalized piece or there is something we haven’t posted to sell that you’re after.

Johnny, always strive to be the best because ill be behind you every step of the way, you make me proud and I love you. Happy three years.

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