13 Reasons why thoughts

It’s taken me a little while to get round to starting 13 reasons why season 2. And it’s mainly from the controversy I keep seeing. It has bad reviews and trigger warnings all online. I didn’t want to watch it and hate it. But there’s a different message I see when I watch it.

Season two is the aftermath of the death of Hannah baker.
It spreads light on what we all fail to see, the result of a suicide, of a rape. Of a school denying any involvement. It’s becoming more and more common to see celebrity’s in the news who have ended their life due to depression and struggles, we sit and we type ‘rip, such a beautiful soul.’ And then we get back to our lives and forget about it till the next person pops up on the news.
But do we ever take into consideration what’s left behind for the people involved?

The family of the person who took their own life, in Hannah’s case, due to a series of events that involved countless other people. How are they coping now? Still searching for answers and trying to rebuild their lives. 

The people that became involved without realising it at the time, are they remorseful, understanding their actions? Or are they hiding with their parents pretending they’re still good people and nothing they say can hurt them or anyone else? Those that are blaming themselves, because they didn’t notice and couldn’t do more.
The rape victim that no one believes, scared to speak out because the perpetrator is still taunting them.

It shows us that just because the show ended, doesn’t mean the story did.
Yes she died, but her memory lives on and the result of her actions caused a spiral effect bigger than Hannah baker would ever know.

Yes it still a show that pushes the boundaries and I praise the people putting trigger warning lists for those affected, however I don’t believe it should receive as much hate as it has been getting.
Take a step back and see the bigger picture. The story is much more than a girl who killed herself.
Ive seen in my local newspaper countless times of young people who have committed suicide due to bullying and we just all think that a death will stop them and make them see their actions, but this show shows us that isn’t always the case. Sometimes nothing can stop the bullys, and people get more afraid to speak up due to that.

It is such an important message that I believe needs to get spoken about more, young people are so vulnerable to everything and the world is getting harsher and harsher.
I went onto a girls Facebook page the other day and flicking through her pictures she had posted some and scribbled out her arms and legs and it made my heart ache that she didn’t feel her body was good enough in that picture to show. Its happening right in front of us and we need to take more notice of not just the one who committed suicide but the people around too. A lot of us don’t actually want to die, we just want the pain to be gone, its important to recognise that before its too late.

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